Welcome to my Workshop, enjoy the stay!

Click and drag to walk around my Workshop.



Check out my Instructables account on my Links page to see some of my how-to's.




<!--Image--> This is originally a tool for cutting and shaping clay, but is also useful as a general shop tool. Good for lifting masking or picking at anything that you can't reach with your fingers.


<!--Image--> My favorite knife. Indispensable for breaking down boxes or any other cuting needs. It folds up and looks like a normal pocket knife but uses boxcutter blade inserts so its never dull.


<!--Image--> My favorite soldering iron. Cordless and heats up fast.


<!--Image--> Great for reaching things in tiny places and small delicate work.


<!--Image--> Hearing is important and hearing loss is cumulative. I wear these things whenever I work with something loud, including: air compressors, loud power tools, and my shop vac.